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Vendor Contacts for a Tour
Users can assign a vendor contact to a tour without assigning a vendor to a tour. However, the vendor tour history is only generated with a link to the Vendor level, not on the contact level.
The Contact Name drop down list is sorted first by Vendor name alphabetically, and then by contact name, alphabetically within each vendor.
The Contact's Role (like the vendor role) is used to describe the relationship with a tour and is assigned at the tour level.
Contact's Title is pulled from the Vendor contact record, as are primary phone and fax numbers.
Primary Contact means this contact's phone numbers will display on the Tour Overview form for easy reference.
Contact's Role describes what a contact is doing (group sales, lecturer) for the tour and, for certain roles, determines if the name will be included on your rooming lists and participant list.
Travels with Tour: if checked as true, ViaTour creates a Traveler record for this contact (if one does not already exist) and creates a reservation record for this contact (if one does not already exist) so you can add reservation details. Use this for escorts, guides, etc. that you want on rooming lists. This is also used for sponsor invoicing. If you uncheck this field for a contact, and a reservation record exists for this contact on the tour, the reservation record will be deleted. (ViaTour alerts user this has taken place.) See Lecturers or Escorts on a Tour and Invoicing a Sponsoring Organization for a Tour for more detailed instructions.
Tour Contact Notes is for storing information that has to do with this contact for this tour. For example, some notes might be: "Works Monday to Thursday only." or " Not reliable, needs follow up."