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Vendor Role
Vendor Role defines what a vendor does for your company in relation to a Tour. Some examples are "Hotel, tour operator, bus."
Notice that the Vendor type list and vendor role list are identical. They are both accessible under vendor type in the code table.
A Tour Vendor Role may be different from the Vendor Type. For example: University of Washington's vendor type may be "University," but the assigned role is "Sponsor" for this tour.
Worldwise may have a vendor type of travel agency, but for a tour their role may be "Air Provider."
Not all vendors "sell" something for a tour.
For non-profit's travel programs, you may use this to track co-sponsoring institutions on a departure (when two museums or two alumni groups share a trip).
The drop down list is user-defined. See Adding Look Up Codes for how to add or edit this list. Users can add Roles "on the fly" which means when you type in a new role, you will be asked if you would like to add this to the code table. Be sure you haven't entered a typo before saying "yes". A message will remind you to add the appropriate look-up information. Unless you have created special custom reports with us that look to other codes, there is no additional information to add.
Note: You can use vendor roles for filtering reports. Therefore you will want to control the list for consistency.
Related Topics:
Special functions: Sponsors and Tour Brochure Name
Special functions: Cruise Ships and Brochure Name