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Special Function: Cruise Ship Name in Italics 

If you want a ship's name to appear in italics in a brochure name, follow these steps:

1. Create a vendor record for the ship and assign it the type "cruise ship."

2. Assign the Vendor to the tour and give it the role "cruise ship."  

3. Be sure you spell the cruise ship name with in the brochure name exactly as it appears on the vendor record in the business name field (the best way to ensure accuracy is to copy and paste it.)

4. When ViaTor creates the Brochure Name in reports, it will italicize any string of letters that matches a vendor assigned to the tour with the role cruise ship.

FAQ: Why do some reports not have a ship's name in italics?

ANSWER: Access can not italicize a ship's name when a report has wrapping columns, for example the List of Travelers report.