Contents - Index

Lecturer and Guides and on a Tour

ViaTour tracks your Travelers and Vendors differently and so you will want to follow ViaTour procedure for Adding a Vendor Contact to a Tour (escort, guide, scholar/lecturer, organizer, etc.).  
The recommended approach for this process is to:
1. Complete the vendor contact information first
2. Assign the contact to the tour with the appropriate role - which must match an exiting reservation status (e.g. lecturer, escort, etc.). 
3. Check the "Travels with Tour" box, and allow ViaTour to set up the Reservation record (and Traveler record, if it doesn't already exist) for you. 

1. Once a contact has a Traveler record, changes on address, email or  phone numbers must be made manually both to the Traveler and Vendor and Vendor contact records.
2. When ViaTour creates a reservation, it pulls in the Traveler Primary Address record as the default Reservation record.
3. When you create custom reports, you can decide which will be data source Vendor Contact or reservation table. This allows you to use reservation Address for personal mailings, but display on Participant List reports "Business Address" as found in the Contact's record.