- Index
Vendors conduct business with your organization or company in relation to the tours you create or sell. Your vendors may be tour operators, hotels, airlines, restaurants, museums, university travel programs, freelance lecturers, guides or consultants. All vendors are assigned a vendor type in ViaTour.
The people you work with at that business are called Vendor Contacts in ViaTour.
A vendor that is a one-person business (such as a freelance tour guide, consultant or sole proprietor), will be entered as both a Vendor and Vendor Contact, in ViaTour. Why? ViaTour recognizes a Vendor as a business and a Contact as a person, and manages each record accordingly. So, for example, a scholar you hire to accompany a group is added as a reservation using his Vendor Contact record. See greater detail under "Lecturers or Escorts on a Tour".
Related Topics:
How to
quick add a vendor
add vendor contacts
add, edit or delete a phone number
print a quick vendor address label
Special Vendor Role: Cruise ship
Special Vendor Role: Sponsor
Special Vendor Type: Room Inventory