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Adding a Vendor Contact

1. Open the Vendor Contact form by clicking on the tab or keystroke Alt+O.

2. Complete the fields as indicated.  
a. Contact Title options can be customized under System Maintenance.  
b. Phone Numbers allows you to store multiple phone types.  
c. The phone number marked as Primary will appear on reports and forms elsewhere in ViaTour.
d. The fax number that you assign the phone type of office fax will appear on reports and forms elsewhere in ViaTour.

3. To add a new contact record, click on the new record button [uà] to open a blank record on the form.  

4. You may also use the "Next" [}] and "Previous" [|] buttons to scroll through records.

Please note the following:

Related Topics:
How do I delete a Contact?
How do I refresh the Form?
How do you create a Traveler record for a Vendor contact?
How do I delete a Vendor?
How do I delete a vendor Contact?