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Assigning Lecturers or Escort on a Tour

ViaTour tracks lecturers, hosts and escorts by creating a reservation record for them and using a reservation status of lecturer, hosts, escort (term is user-defined.)
To track this relationship on the vendor side of the tour, you create this role first on the Tour Vendor Form under contacts section. 

The steps are:
1. Assign the contact to the tour on the Tour Vendors tab under the contact section. You must assign a ROLE that is the same a  "reservation status." SO if you call assign staff to tours with a res status of "escort" the contact role must also be "escort" for ViaTour to create the appropriate reservation.
2. Check the box travels with tour. This assigns the contact a reservation to the tour and adds the contact's name to the Traveler table (unless the contact's record was already created there). 
3. For a contact to appear on rooming lists, the reservation status you assign must have a Code Class category of "confirmed" assigned under ResStatus in your Lookup Codes in System Maintenance. (See System Maintenance directions) 
4. How the lecturer, escort or host appears on your Participant Lists is decided during the creation of these custom reports.
5. Once the vendor is added, you will need to complete Traveler info tabs (address, mailing list, health, passport, phone, etc.) and Reservation info tabs (room assignments, components, etc.)