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Tour Information Tab, Field Definitions
Please note the following field definitions:
Tour Id:
Tour Name: enter brief name for in-house use (different from Brochure Name). Names with less than 20 characters fit best on forms and reports. Forms will list Tour Names in alphabetical order within each calendar year.
Brochure Name: formal name for the tour that appears in letters and reports for travelers.
Start and End Date: These fields are required for sorting tour lists on forms. Tours are sorted by calendar year using a tour's Start Date, and alphabetically within each calendar year by Tour Name. For tours in the planning stages, you may decide to enter the same date for the start and end dates to signify the date is uncertain.
Calendar Year: ViaTour creates this field based on tour start date.
Fiscal Year: this field needs to have a value in order to have financial and other reports run by Fiscal Year criteria. ViaTour will auto-generate when adding new tours based on the setting in System Maintenance Company Set Up. If the tour dates change into a different fiscal year, the user needs to change this field.
Departure City: the city where the tour begins.
Domestic/International/Both: signifies where the tour takes place. For your confirmation letter, you may have different insurance applications you offer depending on domestic or international and this field is useful for generating the right type of letter. Options are "Domestic", "International" or "Both."
Tour Type: user defined. See Adding Codes to the Lookup Code Table in System Maintenance.
Departure Airport: where group flight originates. This airport will be assigned to all new reservations, though you may override it with traveler's preference if they opt not to originate with group (i.e. have an add or go land only.)
Tour Capacity Min/Max reflects the total spaces available on a tour, booth the spaces you are selling as well as spaces taken up by your escort or staff. As reservations come in, your capacity is reduced by any reservation status that has "comped" or "paying" assigned to it in the code table (see Reservation Status)
Tour Sell Min/Max: these numbers are the spaces that you have to "sell" excluding staff and "frees." Sell Min/Max corresponds to min/max displayed on Services cost estimator. Without adding a tour maximum sell field, the Tour Participation Summary does not work.See Reservation Status which tells you how the code table must be populated.
Tour Class: user-defined, a high level business classification. Example: A tour operator might sell group tours and FIT tours. A non-profit might use ViaTour For Tours and Events.
Tour External ID: use this field to assign an ID that is from an external system.
Destinations/Descriptors: cities, countries, or regions for the tour that you want to track. Or tour descriptors you wish to use to describe this tour. Enter the codes here that you will use to find tours using the Tour Finder feature.
Tour/Reservation Notes: a memo field for information that has to do with taking reservations, such as allotment of cabins, date hotel rooms are held until, max availability for singles, etc. This appears on Tour Detail Report and Tour Overview Report. Basic and Standard users can store allotment availability here.
Tour Closed: used to signify that there should be no more activity with the tour in terms of financial transactions (money received or paid by your company) and in terms of passenger activity. Once you mark a tour "Closed," ViaTour asks user if ViaTour should automatically mark all the travelers with a reservation status of "confirmed" as past travelers. This gives the user a chance to be sure all the data regarding traveler status is accurate. If you say "no" you must manually flag the past traveler checkbox for those travelers on this tour. Note: reservations with a status of escort, host, tour leader, etc. are not marked automatically as past travelers. This needs to be done manually if your company wants these persons designated as past travelers.
Tour Canceled, Date and Reason: These fields enable you to store the circumstances of tour cancellation. As a company you decide what Tour Canceled means. Does it mean the tour was promoted, had travelers and was ? Does it mean it was planned, but for some reason never promoted?
Tour Status: User defined list. Example of terms might be: Proposed, Promoted, Departed, Canceled -low participation, - world event.
Net Profit: ViaTour calculates the net (income less expenses) based on transactions that have been entered. This field stays "static" though additional transactions may be added. Therefore, users need to recalculate if a tour is "opened" in order to additional expenditures or income.