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Reservation Status

The Reservation Status describes the traveler's level of participation on a tour.  ViaTour comes pre-set with the following, but it is possible to add, delete, rename or re-define this list to suit your needs:

Confirmed: Traveler's space is held and the deposit is in hand
Wait list: Traveler would like to join tour, but no space is available
Pending: Travelers is going to give a "yes" or "no" answer in a few days
Interested: Traveler expressed interest at one time
Cancelled: Travelers was confirmed, but then cancelled
Cancelled with Commission: allows users to track commissions earned on late canceling travelers.
Early-interest: Tour is in the planning stages, traveler would like "first announcement"

All ViaTour users should agree on what the status definition means, and be sure to assign statuses to reservations consistently.  Many reports in ViaTour rely on reservation status to determine totals. 

Related Topics:
Adding a New Reservation Status
Reservation Status Date