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Destinations for Tours

Destinations/Descriptors are attributes that help further describe a tour. 

Destinations are the places a tour goes, and you can be as detailed (listing every city, town and neighborhood) or as general (listing only countries or continents) as you like. 

Descriptors are attributes of a tour, that help you specify and track tour attributes important to you. You can set up categories and values to suit your business. Some examples are: 
Focus: art, history, general
Activity level: easy, moderate or strenuous
Mode: ship, boat, train, bike, walking, land

Destinations and Descriptors allow a more detailed level of tracking and complements the Tour Type tracking, which is broader (Group/FIT/In-House, etc.).

The Reports Form lets you filter many reports based on Destination and Descriptor criteria, and you can use Tour Finder to search for tours by Destination/Descriptor criteria.

Related Topics:

Using Tour Finder and Setting Up Destinations
Adding Destination/Descriptor Codes