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Company Set-Up, General Info
Most fields are self-explanatory, but the following require some additional information be imparted to users (see below)

Company ID: do not change or edit this field, it keys you to your custom reports.
Company Name and Company Full:
Company Address: Add address here. If address changes, we may need to resize your company specific header and footer.
Country: specify where the company does business. When addresses are added to Viatour, if it is the address has the same country as the company, then country will automatically be dropped in the format address function.
Bank Account Number: displays in wire transfer report
Fiscal Year Starts In: Tours are assigned to a Fiscal year. When adding a new tour, if you add the start date, fiscal year will be auto-calculated based on a tour's start date and the value here.
Donations Tracked: Cumulative or Incremental. See Traveler Donations for an explanation of the difference in reporting.
Institution: this will be the default institution listed in the degree section of Travaler Form memebrship tab. Mostly used by Alumni Travel Programs