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Donation Information for a Traveler
Donation: donations may be set as incremental or cumulative. This is arranged with company set up and effects reporting. ViaTour also displays donation history of any travelers with a relationship to this traveler.
On the Membership tab of a Traveler record, next to the donor history label, users will see the words "Cumulative" or "Incremental" depending on what was assigned with system set-up.
Cumulative: For summary reports and form displays (Donation Value), ViaTour displays the amount that has been entered in the most recent donor record. There may be many records for a traveler, but rather than summing these donations, ViaTour uses only the most current.
Incremental: For summary report and form display (Donation value), ViaTour sums all the donation records that have been entered. With this setting, ViaTour assumes the user is entering each donation as it comes in.