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Auto-Mark Tour Documents as Sent

Form this form you have two options:

1- Print a document cover letter, and upon closing the letter opt to "batch mark" them as sent.
2- Or tick off the document that you want to mark as sent, select travelers who you want to mark as receiving it, and click on the Mark Documents Button.

1. Set up your Documents.
2. Add your Reservations.
3. Click in the Send Documents button or use keystroke Alt+E

4. Complete the Send Documents With Cover Letter form. (custom letter)
5. Choose one or more documents by checking box include in Letter (hit enter).
6. Enter the number of Copies to send, or leave blank if you want it to auto-count by people at the address (1 per person.)
7. Choose the Recipient(s) from the Traveler list in the yellow box.
8. Enter your name, by selecting it from the list (this list is defined in System Maintenance).
9. Click on Generate Cover Letter or use keystroke Alt+L. Print the letter. When you close the report using Close on file menu or Alt+C ViaTour message asks, "Would you like to mark these documents as sent to the recipients with today's date?" If you click "yes," today's date will be stored on the reservation record, automatically marking documents as sent.  If no, nothing is recorded.
10. If you are only marking documents, skip step 6 and click on the Mark Documents Button.

Related Topics:

Documents for a Tour
Setting up Tour Documents in Code Table
Auto marking Documents as Sent to Travelers
Document Status List Report
Document Status Table report
Tour Document Deadlines Report wide format
Tour Document Deadlines Report portrait