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Documents for a Tour (mailings to travelers)

Tour Documents refer to correspondence sent to Travelers on a Tour for which you wish to track the date sent and/or the date due or received back.
Documents are created on the Tour Documents Tab, then auto-assigned to each traveler as a reservation is created. 

As documents are sent to a traveler, you can enter the date it was sent individually or use Send/Mark form to "auto mark" documents as sent when a mailing goes out for a tour.

Tracking Documents is a helpful feature as reservations often are made at various point in time in a tour's cycle. The documents schedule will help you "catch up" a traveler who is adding on late.

You will want to follow these steps to set up tour documents:

1. Add the name of your documents to the code table, keeping them generic "Insurance" or "Visa Information" or "Final Mailing."

2. Add the Documents to the Tour, populating the fields as appropriate:
  • Send out by field is the date that you assign to yourself to mail the document.  Note that documents do not always have a date when they must be sent and that you won't always mail by the date you assign yourself.
  • Turnaround indicates the number of days that you expect to have a response returned. 
  • Response Required is used to signal that you need to track a returned document for each participant.  
  • Turn around in days is the number of days you are allowing for the traveler to get the document back to you. After this period it is "Late." When you "mark" the reservation as having the document sent, Viatour Looks at the expected turnaround time to decide at what point to call it late.
  • Received Back By is auto-calculated by ViaTour based on the mail date and expected turnaround time. 

    3. Mark reservations accordingly.

    4. Run reports:
  • Document Status List Report
  • Document Status Table report
  • Tour Document Deadlines Report wide format
  • Tour Document Deadlines Report portrait

    Related Topics:

    Documents for a Tour
    Setting up Tour Documents in Code Table
    Auto marking Documents as Sent to Travelers
    Document Status List Report
    Document Status Table report
    Tour Document Deadlines Report wide format
    Tour Document Deadlines Report portrait