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Setting Up Tour Documents in Lookup Code Table

1. Click on the System Maintenance button on the bottom of the Quick Access and Switchboard Menu

2. Click on View/Edit Lookup Codes

3. The Edit/Enter Lookup Form opens and you can select from the code field what you want to view. Select DocName.

4. Click on the Edit Code button on the bottom left of form. 

(Note: you may need to see your System Administrator if you do not have permission to edit this field.)

5. Complete the fields, noting that:
  • Code field: is always DocName, and refers to where the code appears in ViaTour and what it describes.
  • Code: the code, text or word used on forms and in reports. This is where you will create a Document Name, for example: "Visa Information"
  • Description:  this field is for your own reference, to define the code's meaning (for example: Participant Info Form, might say "Health and emergency contact information, waiver and release signature.")
  • Sort: if left null, sort will be alphabetical. If you prefer to indicate a sort order, enter numbers. You can use decimal if you need to "insert" a new document into the order. Note: If you are using the document deadline report -  sort order is required (can't be null). It tells ViaTour how to order the documents across the top of the page.
  • Code Class: this is different for different fields and users should not edit this category as it has repercussions in reports. There are only a few exceptions to this rule, and DocName is one of them! For documents you will be  including in the tour documents deadline report, you need to specify which deadline is important - the send out by or receive back by. Pick one and then type it--  "sendby" or "receiveby" (without quotes) in this column. (See Code Category Editing, Exceptions)
  • Code Notes: these note are for the developer and should not be edited.
  • Report Category: users can specify up to 6 documents to be included in the Documents Deadline Report (summarizes by document due dates) and up to 13 documents for the wide format version.  For a document to appear in this report add the word "deadline" in report category column on the 6 documents you wish to track.

    Sample Data:

    Related Topics:

    Documents for a Tour
    Auto marking Documents as Sent to Travelers
    Document Status List Report
    Document Status Table report
    Tour Document Deadlines Report wide format
    Tour Document Deadlines Report portrait