Contents - Index

Code Category Editing, Exceptions

Code Class, this is different for different fields and users should not edit this category as it has repercussions in reports. Please check with ViaTour staff, first. 

The exceptions are: 
Mailing List Code Class: Default means the field will automatically filled in.  You may assign the code class "default" to the name of a mailing list you want all travelers assigned to automatically.  (The system comes preset so addresses default to "home" address. You can change this.
Reservation Status Code Class: confirmed means this assignment to a reservation status means that status will be included on these reports: room list, name badge, lists of travelers and so on.
Reservation Code Class: unconfirmed means this reservation status is not assigned to the reports above, but can be identified as reservations nonetheless.
Relationship Code class: in order to have ViaTour auto add a reciprocal relationship, the reciprocal relationship must appear in code class. Therefore if your code  is "parent" the reciprocal is "Child". Others would be Spouse/Spouse, Cousin/Cousin, et cetera. Note your codes are easier to maintain if you use siblings versus Brother. Brother can Brother/Brother or Brother/Sister.