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Components for a Tour
Tour Components are options, with or without a cost, that are offered to travelers on a tour. For example: Land Only, Land and Air, Single Supplement, Business Class Air Upgrade, Post-tour Extension, Wants a Roommate, etc.
Use a Tour Component to:
Track the names and the number of travelers choosing a component
Generate the balance due for a traveler -- any component with a price assigned to a traveler's reservation will appear on the invoice
To Add Components on a Tour:
1. Enter the "name" for the component. This long name is what appears on the invoice.
2. Enter a per person price. For hotel nights you need to enter prices for room double and room single.
3. Enter a Brief name which is used on Internal reports and on forms (short because real estate)
4. Enter a Sort Order (if this field is blank, components will display alphabetically. However, you will likely want a certain order on your invoice. Use "decimals" to insert new components.
See Components, Field Definitions for further information.
Later, when you are adding a component to a reservation, the only components available to assign travelers to are the Tour Components that you create here.
Related Topics:
Component Naming
Batch Update Component Prices on Reservations
Batch Add Components to Selected Tours
Locking Component Prices
Components, Field Definitions
Component Reports and Brief Name
Setting up a Travelers "Bill To" or Assigning Components on Reservations