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Batch Add Components to Selected Tours
You can add a component to many tours at one time using the Tour Finder Form.
Steps are:
1. Access the Tour Finder Form by clicking on the binocular icons next the word TOUR on either the Quick Access or Switchboard Main Menu.
2. Using the criteria field find a list of tours that includes the tours you want to add to. Then Multi-Select the tours you wish to add a component to.
3. Hold down the CONTROL key to select more than one tour or the SHIFT key to select a series of tours together.

4. Click on the Add Component Button on the bottom left corner of the form and add the component information.

6. Click OK and all fields will be added to the selected tours.
Related Topics:
Component Naming
Batch Update Component Prices on Reservations
Locking Component Prices
Components, Field Definitions
Component Reports and Brief Name
Setting up a Travelers "Bill To" or Assigning Components on Reservations