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Setting Up Room Inventory

To create new room inventory, first add Vendors and then add Services to the tour. 

1. Add the Vendor of the room inventory, such as a hotel, ship, tour operator or land operator, to the tour on the Vendors tab.  Vendor Role may be any status that is meaningful.  See Adding a Vendor

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2. Create a new Service for each vendor. Start Date and End Date are required.  Select the relevant Vendor from the drop-down list. Service type must be "room inventory".   See Adding a ServiceOptional: Use "Count" field to indicate number of rooms in the service.

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3. It may be efficient to add brand new Room Categories in the Vendor allotment or room block to the RoomCategory table now.  You can also make changes to the room categories within the Room Inventory later. See Adding, Editing and Deleting Look Up Codes.

4. On the Tour Inventory Tab, check "Use Room Inventory" check box if necessary. Click "Yes" to acknowledge the "Delete the Room Details" user message, and Yes to "Confirm inventory deletion."  These messages signal that data about noninventory rooms will be deleted, a nonissue if you are setting up rooms for a tour for the first time.

5. Click Manage Room Inventory button to launch the Tour Room Inventory Setup form.  

6. All Services with service type "room inventory" appear at the top of the form for reference. 

a) Use drop down lists to select Vendor and Room Category

b)"# rooms" indicates number of rooms in each room category.  

c) Starting # is optional: if room allotment includes specific room numbers or a specific floor to the group for example, you can indicate that here. Otherwise ViaTour starts with (001) one. 

d) Enter Arrival Date and Departure Date based on service dates above.  

e) Room description will be added to all rooms in the room category, i.e: 250 sq meters with Jacuzzi tub; double for single occupancy; staff single.

Shortcut: If numerous room categories need to be added, it can be tedious to retype the dates for each line. Instead select a generic category such as "Double" for the entire vendor allotment, and adjust the room category as needed on the Room Inventory Form.

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7. Click Set Up Rooms button.  If there are already rooms set up in the inventory of the tour, a message box appears "Replace Existing Room Inventor?"  Click No to add new rooms to existing inventory. 

Related Topics:
See Services for a Tour
See Setting up Ship Inventory and Berthing Charts
See Modify Room Inventory