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Services for a Tour
Tour Services are the various items and events provided by tour vendors that make up a tour (air, hotel, admission, lunch, bus, etc.). You cannot create a Tour Service for a vendor that has not been assigned to a tour on the Vendor Tab.
The details of Tour Services can be used to:
Create a tour "operational itinerary" based on what vendors are providing
Generate an estimate of total costs for an event
Generate an estimate of projected profit, based on projected costs of all events and your selling price, minimum and maximum participation
Generate a vendor schedule (services your vendor is providing by tour or across multiple tours) to avoid double bookings
Track changes to numbers held, terms
Track status (requested, pending, confirmed, canceled)
Track payment deadlines, and more
Note: Non-profit organizations that do not plan their own tours may still use this function of ViaTour to track the arrangements made with tour operators. You can create services for how many escorts are "free", whether the air is included or not, costs for extra receptions, etc.
Related Topics:
Services Field Definitions
Service Form, Record and Grid Views
How Cost Estimator Calculates
Services For A Tour