Contents - Index

Creating Reports

1. Open the Reports form from the Main Menu. Select the report you want from the list in the white box by clicking once on it with the mouse. Once selected turns blue.
2. Set your criteria by choosing first the tab with appropriate tables, then make selection from choices listed. For guidelines on selecting criteria, see the selection tips in the grey box below the criteria tabs.
3. Click the Preview Report button, and your report opens. If there is nothing to report (for example, you ask for confirmed travelers for a tour where there are none), a message appears, "No records meet this criteria."
4. The report can be maximized or minimized by clicking once on your mouse. 
5. Print using the file menu

Related Topics
Creating a PDF of a Report
Exporting Reports to Excel or Rich Text Format
Navigating the Reports Form
Report Types
Report Options
Ands and Or - Setting Criteria for Reports