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Navigating the Reports Form
Open ViaTour and locate the Reports Button at the bottom left of the Main Menu. Clicking on the bottom opens the Reports Form from which all reports are generated.

Report Types help you to sort through the many available reports.
Form Behavior
1. View results vs. actual report results: The "View results" button will display the selected criteria in the gray box and give you a count of candidate results. Because some reports have "built in" additional criteria requirements (which may further limit results) the number in the candidate results may differ from actual report results. Candidate results is only intended as guideline. Furthermore, candidate results reflect the table the query is based on, not necessarily the same as the report output.
Example: if you are running an Address Report against the Traveler Table (since you are working off Traveler criteria) the candidate results may be 1000 Travelers. When you run the report, this may yield 600 addresses (because of how travelers share addresses.)
2. Clear Criteria: As you change reports the previously selected criteria stays as long as the next report uses the same selection set. If it uses a different selection set, the criteria clears. You can always click on the Clear criteria button to start over.
3. Criteria "ands" and "ors": Multiple selections with in a field is an "or search and between code fields an and search. If you select in State:California and New York, the results list is address in California OR new Your. Adding criteria from another field gives you "ands." Give me addresses that are on the General Mailing List AND in California And New York Addresses on the Mailing List.
4. Exclude: when you use the exclude feature ViaTour will return results and for child tables "nulls." What does that mean? Example: Mailing List is a child table to addresses. One address can be on one list, several mailing lists or no mailing lists. If you ask ViaTour to Exclude by say a mailing list ("Holiday Card") the results will be all addresses that did not have "holiday card" mailing list assigned, and all addresses where no mailing list assigned.

Related Topics:
Creating reports
Creating a PDF of a Report
Exporting Reports to Excel or Rich Text Format
Report Types
Report Options
Setting Criteria - And / Or