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Adding a Reservation
To add a reservation in ViaTour, you need to determine if you are adding an existing Traveler or a completely new Traveler.
You can search on Quick Access or Switchboard main menus to find out if someone has an existing Traveler record or you can open the People Finder Form, where you can simultaneously create the reservation, if you find the record exists in ViaTour.
You can access the People Finder Form by:
1. Double clicking the Add Res button the Switchboard Main Menu
2. Double clicking the Add Reservations button on Quick Access Main Menu.
3. Double clicking the Add Reservations Button from Tour Reservation Form
4. If you are working in the Tour Form and click on the Res Summary Tab and no reservations exist, clicking in the View Reservations button will give user the option to open the People Finder Form.
Once the People Finder Form opens, it is completely blank, ready to search for Travelers in your database:

1. Enter the criteria you wish to search by (note your are doing an "AND" search for multiple fields. Example: You may say Last name starts with "S" and State address is "CA".)
2. Select whether the search will be Exact, Starts with, or Contains.
3. Click Find and results appear in the yellow box or you will get a message for "No Travelers Found". If Traveler name does not appear, use the Add a Traveler Form to add them to ViaTour and to create the reservation.

4. Select one or more travelers to add to a tour by clicking once on name with your mouse. The name(s) you have selected display in the yellow box at the bottom of the form, "currently selected travelers."
NOTE: A fast double click will actually open that Traveler form. You will want to do this if you see "Red flag" or if you want to learn more about them.)
5. Select Tour from List the tour you wish to create a reservation on.
NOTE: the tour list defaults to Current and Future. If you are back filling historically tours, change the filter.
6. Select the appropriate reservation status
7. Click the Add Selected Traveler(s) to this Tour button. Wait while ViaTour creates the reservation.
NOTE: If one of the selected travelers has an existing reservation, Viatour will not create a second reservation for that person and you will get this message:
In order to add the reservation (this usually means changing a reservation status from Interested to Confirmed or Brochure request to Confirmed) open the Reservation form for this tour and change the reservation status on the Traveler record.
8. You may close form (Alt+ C or click the "Close button) or keep searching Travelers and adding reservations.
Related Topics:
Adding multiple reservations for one traveler
Adding Reservations for a completely new traveler