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Switchboard Main Menu

The Switchboard Menu allows you an immediate view of records (which can be filtered) and is accessed either by double clicking on a record or selecting a record and clicking a button. (View a printable cheet sheet for Switchboard and Quick Access.)

  • To open a Traveler record, double click the Traveler's name.
  • To open a Vendor record, double click on the Vendor's name.
  • To open Tour Reservations, double click on the Tour's name.
  • To open Tour Info Form, select the tour name (one-click) and click on the Tour Info Button, under the tour list.
  • To Add a new Tour, Traveler or Vendor, double click on the Add Button at top of form.
  • To Search for a Tour or a Traveler, click on the binoculars icon.
  • To access Transactions, Reports, Tasks Reminders, Files, System Maintenance, or to Exit ViaTour, click on the appropriate button at bottom of the Form.

    To access Transactions, Reports, Tasks Reminders, Files, System Maintenance, or to Exit ViaTour, click on the appropriate button at bottom of the Form.

    Filter Options:

    Enter Name for Search:
    You can also type the name in the fields "Enter Last Name" for Travelers, "Enter Tour Name" for Tours and "Enter Vendor Name" for Vendors.
    After typing the name click Enter and ViaTour will go to record and select it. Now double click with your mouse to open.
    Related Topics:
    How is Tour List sorted?
    How is Traveler List sorted?
    How is Vendor List sorted?