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Traveler Search Form

You can use the Traveler Search Form to locate a Traveler record:

(1)  Search by one field or a combination of fields:
  • First Name and/or Last Name (can be set to spelling or in Pro version only, "spelling" or "sound" of name.)
  • Phone Number (need to enter exact format with dashes and parenthesis to match)
  • Address
  • City, State and/or Zip Code
  • Custom Fields (must match data value exactly)
  • External ID Traveler Id
  • Internal Traveler Id

    (2) You can specify whether you want to search by:
  • Exact (all fields must match exactly what is entered)
  • Starts with  (all fields must start with exactly what is entered)
  • Contains (all fields must contain with exactly what is entered)

    There is also a setting to search by a names sound (Pro Only). This is useful for seraching names with aprostohe's like "O'Connell".

    From the results you can:
  • (3) Open Traveler record by double clicking on it
  • (4)     Create reservations for one or more than one traveler (Reservations are created for "selected" travelers, whose names appear in the yellow "Selected" travelers box at the bottom of the form.)
  • Create multiple reservations for one or more traveler(s) by using Tour Finder, selecting the tours, and adding a reservation and status at the bottom of the tour finder form.