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Traveler Search Form
You can use the Traveler Search Form to locate a Traveler record:
(1) Search by one field or a combination of fields:
First Name and/or Last Name (can be set to spelling or in Pro version only, "spelling" or "sound" of name.)
Phone Number (need to enter exact format with dashes and parenthesis to match)
City, State and/or Zip Code
Custom Fields (must match data value exactly)
External ID Traveler Id
Internal Traveler Id
(2) You can specify whether you want to search by:
Exact (all fields must match exactly what is entered)
Starts with (all fields must start with exactly what is entered)
Contains (all fields must contain with exactly what is entered)
There is also a setting to search by a names sound (Pro Only). This is useful for seraching names with aprostohe's like "O'Connell".
From the results you can:
(3) Open Traveler record by double clicking on it
(4) Create reservations for one or more than one traveler (Reservations are created for "selected" travelers, whose names appear in the yellow "Selected" travelers box at the bottom of the form.)
Create multiple reservations for one or more traveler(s) by using Tour Finder, selecting the tours, and adding a reservation and status at the bottom of the tour finder form.