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Copying Tour Payment Schedules

When ViaTour copies a Tour Payment Schedule, it adjusts the dates automatically, calculating the new payment dates based on the start date. If the original tour has a payment due 30 days before the tour start date, ViaTour will calculate 30 days before the start date of the new tour, and use that date in the payment schedule.

If you are using the tour due date calculator and it is set on "Weekdays Only," you may be generating a due date that is 1 or 2 days higher than what you expect.  

Here's why:
Say you are asking the calculator to give you 90 days prior to a tour start date, but the calculator is set to display "weekdays only."  If the exact date that is 90 days prior is "Saturday," ViaTour will give you back "Friday," a weekday, which is actually 91 days prior to start date. 

If this Friday date is looked at in the future for tour copy functions, the new date that is generated will also be 91 days from the tour start date.  

In most cases this padding will present little problem.