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Adding an Ad Hoc Tour

The Ad Hoc Tour function is most useful to create "one-off" tours or departures "added on the fly". 

The function allows a user to create a tour, create a reservation, and make an invoice in one step. Traveler may be an existing traveler or a new traveler.

For example, a ViaTour user sells into departures from a partner operator.  It is expected that only a few spots will be sold: setting up a full tour is unnecessary.

1. Click on the "Create Ad Hoc Tour" button to open the "Add a Ad Hoc Tour Form".  
Button found either on Add a New Traveler Form, or at the bottom left of the People Finder tab on the Find Travelers and Tours Form.

Missing image: adhoc_1.bmp

2. Add tour and traveler information as needed or as known.

3. The TourID, Tour Name, Tour Dates, Brochure Name, Descriptors, and Type/Class/Dom Int Status/Components are automatically added to the Traveler's Reservation.

Related Topics:
Adding a Tour