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Auto-create a Reminder
From any date field outlined in blue, users can auto create a reminder by simply right clicking.
A "Make Reminder" button appears.
Click this and a message appears, asking "Are you sure you wish to create a reminder based on ____?" and the message box names the date field's source.
When you select YES a reminder form opens.

You will see that ViaTour has automatically populated as many fields as possible for you, based on the data in the record you started from.
Simply complete the empty fields and move on.
Note: Auto-reminders are "unique" and therefore are not copied between tours. If you are creating a reminder that you would like to "make standard" you can delete the name of the reminder (or cut and paste it into the reminder notes fields) and then select a Standard Reminder from the list.

Related topics:
Task Reminders
Creating reminders
Completing a Reminder
Adding Standard Reminders to the Code table
Printing Your Reminders or To List