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Task Reminder Form
After launching ViaTour, the first form users see is the Task Reminders Form. It opens with all upcoming reminders, the earliest due dates appearing first. At the bottom of this form users can filter reminders by who the reminder has been assigned to, what priority has been assigned, and by status or state of completion. A Print Current View report button allows users to print their own "to do" lists for the day.
The Task Reminders' status is time sensitive, and defined as:
All: all reminders
Upcoming: reminders where currently, according to "today's" date, we are with in the "start reminding period." For example, if the task is due date is next week, but we set the "start reminding" to occur 7 days in advance, this reminder will have the upcoming status for the week before it is due.
Overdue: reminders where the date due is past, and the task has not been completed.
Incomplete: all tasks not completed, even ones not due for many months.
Complete: all tasks that have been marked as completed.
& Field definitions for Task Reminders
1. Task: can be standard (set on the Lookup Codes table) or Unique (generated on the fly.) Note: Only standard reminders are copied over when using the Copy Tour function.
2. Task Note: allows user to add detail.
3. Assigned to: this is the staff list at your company, created in the Look-Up codes Table.
4. Priority: user defined lists, set up in Lookup Codes Table
5. Date Due: due date for task
6. Date Done: date completed. Clicking on the button will mark the Date Done field with "today's date."
Related topics:
Creating reminders
Completing a Reminder
Auto-create a Reminder
Adding Standard Reminders to the Code table
Printing Your Reminders or To List