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Adding a Spouse of an Existing Traveler to ViaTour

You can add a spouse, partner or any family member on the Add a Traveler Form and link them to an existing address by indicating this on the Add a Traveler Form.

1. Click the radio button at the top of the form to indicate you are adding a new traveler who shares an address with an existing traveler. In record one select the existing traveler's name:

2. In record number two add the new traveler's name and phone and email. Also add the relationship* traveler two has to traveler one.


(Note ViaTour assumes the last name is the same, but you can override this.)

3. ViaTour automatically adds the address into step 3, but the new traveler has not yet been formatted onto the address label, as shown:

To add the new traveler name, Click on the Create Formatted Address / Primary Addressee / Salutation button.

4. Notice that the referral source for the existing traveler is in the referral source field. You can change this if necessary.

5. You can create a reservation in step 4 by assigning a tour and reservation status.  Only the newly added traveler will have a reservation created in this step.

Note: this functionality requires the word "Spouse" to be listed in CodeRptCategory for any relationship where a shared address might be needed. See