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Commissions for a Tour, field definitions

Tour Commissions allows you to track your commissions earned. 
ViaTour auto-calculates the commission as reservations are generated. Users may set commission as:
1. Per person: user specifies a reservation status and dollar amount for each person booked with that status. (Note: it is handy to create a reservation status of "Canceled with Commission"  for those cases of very late cancellation.)
2. Per person variable: same as previous, but the per person dollar amount increases at certain thresholds of participation.
3. Percent of sales: user specifies reservation status and components that generate commissions, and the percent of the commissions.
4. Variable percent of sales: same as previous, only the percent increases at certain thresholds participation.  For example, 10 to 20 pax = 10% and 21-30 pax = 12%.) 

  • Users may create commissions only for vendors who have been assigned to the tour.
  • User may create multiple commission records for a tour (for more than one vendor or to create various structures).
  • Notice that Actual Sold is a calculated field that displays full retail value of components.
    Related Topics:

    Setting up Tour Commissions