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Copying Tour Reminders
When ViaTour copies Tour Reminders, it only copies Standard Tour Reminders.
See Standard Reminders for information on how to set these up.
Note: Any reminders that have been set by a tour's end date (such as, "Send out Tour Evaluation") may have to be adjusted after being copied, if the original tour and the copy-to tour last a different length of time. This is because ViaTour calculates based on start dates, not end dates.
For example: if you have a standard reminder "Send Evaluation" set for 1 day after a tour 's conclusion on a tour that is 12 days long, ViaTour calculates this reminder's date to be 13 days after the tour start date. If your new tour is longer, say 15 days, the reminder will still come up 13 days after the start date.
For "Sending Evaluations" this discrepancy may not be important, but for other kinds of standard reminders it may be critical.