Contents - Index

User Permissions

ViaTour allows assignments of up to five permission levels to users by assigning a "security level" associated with allowed actions.  
To set up User Management: 
1. Determine the name(s) of security groups
2. Assign appropriate permission for each group
3. Assigns users to the appropriate group(s)
There are seven controlled actions:
1) CompPriceEdit: Edit component prices
2) CompPriceEditRes: Edit component prices on the reservation invoice
3) DelMasterRecs: Delete a tour, vendor or traveler record
4) DelRes: Delete a reservation record
5) EditPrevTx: Edit, add or delete a transaction prior to today
6) LookupEdit: Edit/delete lookup values
7) SysAdmin: Run action queries, manage user security

See sample system report: User Management and Security Report.
When ViaTour first launches, it checks for the user in a system user table. If the user is not there, that user is added then assigned the default security level.  The default security level has all permissions and security is not considered enabled in this case. 
Only a user with the SysAdmin Permission can assign permissions.