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Adding Files and Linking them to Master records
Any file can be linked to a Traveler, Tour or Vendor in ViaTour
Open the Files Link form by clicking on Files from the Main Menu (Switchboard or Quick Access.) or from the Files Tab click on the Add/Edit Files button. To create links:
(1) enter a name for the fil eyou are linking to.
(2) browse to the location of the file.
(3) LINK the file to any master record in ViaTour you wish.
(4) Close the form to save.
(5) You may need to refresh or click F9 in order to see the newly linked file.

In order for others in your office to be able to follow the link, it has to be on a shared server. You can still link the file, but be aware no one else can access it through ViaTour.
You can add additional travelers, tours and vendors at any time.
ViaTour provides this functionality by passing the linked file name to Windows and allowing Windows to determine the program associated with the file. Windows will then attempt to open the specified file in a browser window.If the file you have linked is associated with a program that is not installed on your computer, you will not be able to open the file. For instance, if a colleague links a PDF document to a specific vendor record, but you do not have Adobe Reader or Acrobat installed on your computer, Windows cannot display the document in the browser for you. Likewise, if a photograph in jpg format is linked, but you do not have a jpg viewer installed, you will not be able to view the file.
Emails that are saved as .txt files or.html files or .rtf files may walos be linked to an entity in ViaTour.